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The Bay Park project is an initiative led by The Bay Park Conservancy. The approved Bay Park master plan will conserve 53 acres of city-owned land and create an iconic public park along Sarasota Bay. The park will cost about $100-150 million and will take between 10-15 years, over 5 or more phases, to complete. Phase 1 will include a restored coastal wetlands and Mangrove Bayou Walkway, open lawns, and a sunset boardwalk over the bay, among other environmental and conservation efforts to make a space that is open, accessible, free, and welcoming to all. 

Phase 1 Construction Updates

5.2.20 Update

  • The median at Van Wezel Way and Blvd. of the Arts was removed and temporarily paved to allow most construction vehicles to access the site from Van Wezel Way at the relocated construction entrance. As a part of future Phase 1 construction, Van Wezel Way will be narrowed, and new wide sidewalks and shade trees will be installed.
  • Construction was started on alternate walking paths at the site and the first section of temporary sidewalk was installed. We are also working to provide clear signage to communicate the temporary walking paths for all visitors to The Bay.
  • Windscreens have been installed along the fence to minimize the visual impact of the construction site to visitors and our neighbors.
  • Silt fence was also installed as a temporary controlling device for sediment from the construction site into the Mangrove Bayou. 
  • Tree protection was installed around trees that will be staying in place.

5.9.20 Update

  • We completed our second round of mangrove windowing this past week. This windowing allows us to clean up debris and trash from the bayou, mangroves and shoreline. The windowing will also enable better views into the mangroves and the bayou of native flora and fauna. 
  • We will also be adding native plants to the banks of the bayou to minimize erosion.
  • Finally, we will be treating the water that drains into the bayou and the bay to restore environmental health to our precious natural resources
Mangrove windowing along the bayou.


For more information regarding these alerts and the construction of this project, please contact:

Emmalee Legler
Jon F. Swift Construction

Email: [email protected]
Phone: (941) 951 6100

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